Thai in Flow / Osteothai Treatment with Bojan Babic

60-90 Minuten
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Thai in Flow / Osteothai Treatment with Bojan Babic

Thai In Flow Bodywork
Bojan is a Certified Thai massage therapist who combines his love for healing arts and creative expression through various forms of working with the body.

His Thai massage journey started with Taoistic practices and meditations, which led him to a deeper connection to the healing capacities of the body and resulted in his certification by his teacher Sanne Burger, as an Ancient Thai Massage Therapist in 2009 in The Netherlands.

Since then he has been traveling the world learning with different teachers about the art of touch such as Krishnatakis, David Lutt, Felicity Joy, Rosemary Wallace, Ajhan Pichet, Robert Henderson and many others. In the last years, he has been intensively studying and assisting with Krishnatakis and David Lutt. Successfully finished Master Osteothai training with the osteopaths David Lutt and Jorg Schürpf. With the blessings of his teachers, Bojan is wholeheartedly teaching various modules of Thai massage around the world.

Osteothai Treatment

Osteothai is the integration of osteopathic principles and techniques into Thai massage, a bridge between East and West. It’s a form of bodywork that combines extraordinary creative and powerful Thai massage techniques with the precise and gentle touch of osteopathy. The movements can vary from more dynamic, gentle rocking, pulsing and clapping to very still, hands on work, using different techniques of acupressure, thumbing, twisting and yogic stretches of Thai massage and Osteopathy’s release of tissue tension and work on restriction of mobility.


Bojan Babic

Thai Massage · Osteothai Treatment
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